Membership Application

This form should NOT be used to request a burial. Please use our Request for burial form to make arrangements for a burial.
* indicates required information


If you are applying for membership for yourself, please give your own details. If you are applying on behalf of someone else, please give their details.

Title: *
Forename(s): *
Surname: *
Address line 1: *
Address line 2:
Town/City: *
County: *
Postcode: *
Phone: *
Mobile Phone:
Email: *
How did you hear about us?

Next-of-Kin or nominated Representative.

You may nominate someone, usually your next-of-kin, to represent you after your death and they will be able to vote on matters regarding the Association. You may leave this section blank if you prefer.

Relationship to Member:      
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Mobile Phone:

Your Requirements

Please select what burial rights you wish to have. Membership subscriptions do not include the cost of grave digging or any funeral expenses. Please contact us if you need any help completing this section or if you have any special requirements.

Burial, or burial of ashes in a charted grave plot, with Memorial Tree at head of grave plot (membership subscription £650.00)
Burial of ashes with Memorial Tree added to uncharted woodland area (membership subscription £250.00)
Scattering of ashes with Memorial Tree added to uncharted woodland area (membership subscription £180.00)

Do you have other family members who wish to be buried in adjacent plots? (NOT applicable for burial or scattering of ashes.) if you wish to have ashes of up to six family members buried together, you can select a charted grave plot above.
No Yes
You can reserve adjacent plots by sending us further applications and paying the appropriate fees now. The location of plots will not be decided until a first death.
Which variety of memorial tree would you like? Only varieties from this list are permitted.
We do not permit the erection of headstones but encourage families to place an engraved slate plaque at the head of the grave or adjacent to memorial trees. These are not included in our charges.

By sending this form you confirm that you accept our Membership Rules which you can read here. When you click SEND, we will give you instructions how to pay for your membership. You will then receive a Certificate of Membership which you should retain safely; keeping it with your will is recommended.

I have read and accept the Membership Rules: (please click this box)