These are some of the questions we are frequently asked.  Click on a question for an answer.  If you need any further details, please contact us and we will be happy to help.


Becoming a Member to reserve burial rights or booking a burial

How can I reserve a burial plot?cropped-cropped-logo.jpg

How do I arrange a burial?

Can I choose my plot?

Will I own my plot and can it be used for future burials?

Will a Memorial Tree be planted and can I choose what species?

Do your fees include all the costs of a funeral?

How does a natural burial compare with alternatives?



Who will arrange for a grave-digger?

What about ashes?plaque

Do you limit the time allowed for a burial?

Can we hold a funeral service on site?


Rules and Regulations

Click here for full list of rules

Are headstones permitted?

Are there rules about coffins and urns?wildflower-meadow1

Can we leave wreaths, memorabilia or floral tributes on the grave?

Can we plant flowers?

Can we visit the Burial Ground at any time?

Who will look after the grave plot?

What will happen to the burial ground eventually?

What ecological benefit does the woodland burial site provide?
