
We trust that the list of contacts below will be helpful but Yealmpton Woodland Burial has no financial interest in, and does not endorse, any of the suppliers listed. It is being provided solely in  the interests of assisting individuals and families in making appropriate funeral arrangements.

Funeral Directors  (these are just a small selection who have used our burial site recently)

James Brothers Funeral Directors, Colebrook, Plymouth  Tel: (01752)    881419

Plymouth & District Funeral Services   Tel: (01752)    407100

Heart & Soul Funerals  Tel: (01803)    840779

Co-operative Funeral Care  See website for local branches

The Walter C. Parson Group

Wallace Stuart Their website has lots of useful information about arranging funerals and natural burial grounds

Coffin Suppliers

Sussex Willow Coffins    Compliant with natural burial site regulations

Creative Coffins        Compliant with natural burial site regulations


Dave Yeoman, Kingsbridge   Tel: (01548)     561803  Mob: (07968)     648473

Alex Plaice                                                                            Mob: (07870)    436176


Funeral Cost Help    An independent and not-for-profit website with useful information and a guide to the costs involved when planning a funeral

Institute of Civil Funerals   Arranging a Civil Funeral and how to find a Celebrant

Devon County Carriages    A bespoke Horse Drawn Carriage Service